Thursday, March 24, 2005

Why I am not allowed around sharp objects

and why you shouldn't mess with me!

1 comment:

VelvetJinxx said...

Put something on your blog- I'm like totally bored dude.

Ten Steve's I know:

1. Steve #1

2. Steve #2

3. Steve- kid in highschool who's mom did his homework

4. Steve from school who had a line in A League Of Their Own and I made out with his brother at a party once.

5. Steve my Aunt's fat husband

6. Steve my boss's ex boyfriend

7. Steve the jerk who is friends with my old boyfriend and also works with my dad and hits on me all the time anyway

8. Steve my other boss's current boyfriend

9. "Stevie" Whitey's friend who dated Christine before he moved to Japan. Three of my friends made out with him- that player.

10. Stupid Steve Stobbs my dad's arch nemesis (but don't tell him I said that)

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