Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I knew it was going to happen

I usually find something I can make fun of or complain about when I travel. Last night, everything went amazingly well. The Bulgarian cab driver gave me a bottle of Rakia. When I checked in at the airport, I received a free upgrade to FIRST CLASS. The rental car had leather seats and a DVD player. It is pretty hard to watch DVD's and drive at the same time. The hotel screwed up my reservations and ended up giving me a jacuzzi suite. Man what a night.

So why was I worried. Its because I am waiting for the Karmic hammer to hit me, that's why. Nothing happens to me like that unless something awful happens. I guess it did, I got a phone call this morning that they have to put Sarah down. She is a great little bitch. Okay not so little, she's part golden lab, part great Dane and all slobber. Damn I am gonna miss her but she cant get up any more and she's not eating so I guess its for the best.

1 comment:

VelvetJinxx said...

You guys could do like my parents do with our dog (that we got when I was SEVEN . . .)

Dad dangles him above the floor by his body leash when they walk him and mom feeds him with a spoon.

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