Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Airport Fun

I was at Ohare airport last night, Gate C23 to be exact, when I heard the following announcement:

"Due to the size of the airplane FAA regulations require that we have a pilot and a stewardess present before we can take off. Boarding will begin when a pilot and a stewardess can be located. Thank you for your understanding."

So what do I do? I go directly into wize-acre mode. I walked up to the lady at the front desk and with the straightest face I could keep I said "I am a little confused, exactly what size passenger plane does not require a pilot to take off?"

Now this greatly confused the lady and she replied "um, all passenger planes require pilots, I think, I will check for you."

The lady next to her at the counter said, "You announced that due to the size of the plane, we needed a pilot to take off. He is just pulling your leg."

The first lady then responded, "SHIT, did I say that? I meant board the plane."

Two out of three of us had a good chuckle over that. Somehow I DIDN'T get the free upgrade to first class that I asked for.

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