Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Today is ash Wednesday. That means no meat today or Fridays. Fish is not counted as meat, don't ask me why, I don't make the rules. Anyway, I have a dilemma.

What do I give up for lent?

I used to tell the nuns that I wanted to give up celibacy. Once I found help in giving that up I decided to give up monogamy. That led to trying to give up celibacy again. Now that I am married, I was thinking of giving up polygamy. Unfortunately that would imply I was somehow involved in polygamy and therefore lead to my giving up celibacy once again. Do you see my problem? Any suggestions?

I don't want to give up candy, that would negate my excuse to wander the halls. Coffee is out because I need the stuff to live. I just need a good idea. Maybe I will give up sobriety......

1 comment:

VelvetJinxx said...

I gave up chocolate, meat and being tall.

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