Why is he a genius? Is it his mastery of color and form? No, is it his realistic representation of an actual scene? No, its his ability to determine that his father will not figure out what the whale is so he labeled it for me.
Drunk, nude and singing the blues.
That is a pretty sweet octopus. And by sweet, I mean [DELETED] out, lets rock and ROLL, Thing Number One, GiT your schwerrrrVe out 'n bounce.
eBay? Is that you calling? Do I hear a Buy It Now of $12.99 so you can take PoPeseses out for a nice steak and 16oz draft combo at the local Chilis'? I think I do.
Wow, $12.99 that's a bargain.
And since you didn't ask, I'll tell you anyway . ..
To-Do list for today:
1) Zing idiots on craig's list
2) blog stalk peers and enemies
3) Write zesty movie review from last night
4) google-hunt Paris Hilton and man Paris
5) I gotta call a guy about something - work related
6) Plan my non-existant wedding and name my family of five with Prince William
7) paint my nails
8) finish crossword
9) Fill out this thing- work related
10) decide how I really feel about little Zaharah Marley Jolie
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